Fundamentals of Heat and Mass Transfer – Problem 1.18

You’ve experienced convection cooling if you’ve ever extended your hand out the window of a moving vehicle or into a flowing water stream. With the surface of your hand at a temperature of 30 °C. determine the convection heat flux for a vehicle speed of 35 km/h in air at -5 °C with a convection coefficient of 40 W/m2·K and a velocity of 0.2 m/s in a water stream at 10 degree C with a convection coefficient of 900 W/m2·K. Which condition would feel colder? Contrast these results with a heat loss of approximately 30 W/m2 under normal room conditions.

All sample problems and notes are based on the following textbook: Fundamentals of Heat and Mass Transfer Seventh Edition

ISBN-13: 9780470501979

ISBN-10: 0470501979

Edition: 7

Author: Theodore L. BergmanAdrienne S. LavineFrank P. IncroperaDavid P. DeWitt

Publication date: 2011

Publisher: Wiley

Format: Hardcover 1072 pages

9780470501979-0470501979-Fundamentals of Heat and Mass Transfer

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