Vehicle Lightweighting 101

Vehicle Lightweighting 101

In the ever-evolving automotive industry, vehicle light-weighting has emerged as a key strategy for enhancing fuel efficiency, performance, and sustainability. By reducing a vehicle’s gross vehicle weight (GVW), manufacturers can improve gas mileage, extend battery range, and enhance acceleration, braking, and handling. Additionally, lighter vehicles have greater towing and hauling capacities, as they are not…

Vehicle Systems Overview
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Vehicle Systems Overview

Modern automobiles are intricate technical systems composed of several vehicle systems each with specific design functions. Many of these systems include thousands of parts, which have evolved through advancements or the introduction of new technologies. Additionally, some vehicle systems have been developed in response to factors like air pollution, safety regulations, or competition among manufacturers….

The Internal Combustion Engine
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The Internal Combustion Engine

An internal combustion engine (ICE or IC engine) is a heat engine. There are two commonly used reciprocating heat engines found on the market today. The spark ignition (SI) engines and compression ignition (CI) engines. Due to their different ignition mechanisms, these engines have varying fuel property requirements. For instance, SI engines need volatile fuel…

The Automotive Industry
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The Automotive Industry

The automotive industry encompasses all companies and activities involved in producing motor vehicles. The industry’s main products are passenger cars and light trucks, including pickups, vans, and sport utility vehicles. Commercial vehicles, like delivery trucks and 18- 18-wheelers (often called semis), are secondary to the industry. The term “automotive” originates from the Greek word “autos”…

Second Life Batteries
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Second Life Batteries

Abstract The Li-ion Second Life Batteries application is of growing interest with significant potential to address sustainability and environmental challenges. By 2040, an estimated 3.4 million kilograms of LIB cells from electric vehicles (EVs) could potentially enter the waste stream. However, these batteries still have many useful years ahead of them. Instead of being trashed,…

The Hydrogen Car
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The Hydrogen Car

Similar to all-electric vehicles (EVs) a Hydrogen Car/Fuel cell electric vehicle (FCEV), utilizes electricity to drive an electric motor. However, unlike other EVs, FCEVs generate electricity using a hydrogen-powered fuel cell instead of relying on a battery for power. While FCEVs could be designed with plug-in capabilities similar to PHEVs to charge the battery. Most…